A different curb bit designed by Fritz Stahlecker!
For years Fritz Stahlecker has been working on the development of a new curb bit. Through his riding experience he had come to the conclusion that the traditional curb bit has sever disadvantages and his aim was to creat a bit that functions differently. After years of testing and measuring he has now created a bit that is friendly to the horse, no longer a painful but a sensitive mean of communication between horse and rider. Field studies have surpassed his expectations and reports of riders who tested the bit are convincing. We present you the main features of the bit in the overview HSH-Center-Curb-Bit (patent pending). Within short we will also present the orderform for this bit.
If you are interested in further details, please contact us.
HSH in Spain!
In our stable at Bärenbachtal we got the nice visit from Federico Padrón and Jan Braren. On the initiative of Katharina Braren, editor of the spanisch Dressage Magazin "Trofeo Doma Classica", they came to talk to Fritz Stahlecker, make interviews, videos, fotos of our HSH-work. They want to introduce this method in Spain as an alternative to the traditional way of breaking in and riding young horses. We spent two very intensive days and were convinced that this could be the beginning of a very interesting and effectif cooperation for both sides. In a first step, articles in the magazine Trofeo Doma Classica, will give an introduction to the philosophy and work of Fritz Stahlecker. Part one and two are already published (HSH in Spanien Teil 1.pdf) and HSH in Spanien Teil 2. We are very happy to have met real horsemen who immediately understood the idea behind HSH and the aim we are heading for - togetherwe stand up for a better life for our horses.
Available in English: Practical Training Guide for the HSH-Method
Unfortunately the first book, Das motivierte Dressurpferd, is still not available in English, but we can offer you the Practical Training Guide for the HSH-Method. Fritz Stahlecker wrote this manual in 2007/2008. With this much more concise and in comparison to the book revised manual he gives a sort of guide line how to proceed when practising HSH. He describes week by week which exercise would be recommandable and explains how to go on. Very helpful and encouraging for all those who work with this method on their own!
HSH in California
Bill Sanders, rider and trainer in Baroque education, influenced by Jean Racinet and student of the famous Luis Valenca (Portugal) came to know about the
Hand-saddle-hand-method. He got the equipement and started working with it. He was so kind as to put the link on his website:
Current News
I wanted to tell al my students and readers about some information and products that will GREATLY help them in the schooling of their
horses. Some time ago I heard of a trainer who was working with young horses and schooling them in the classical moves, more importantly to be light in the hands in these
moves even prior to backing the horse .I was able to make contact with this trainer's assistant who speaks English and have now done my homework on the techniques, philosophy and
equipment being used . As I personally have all of it. I can tell you Francois Baucher would be proud of this work . But here is the thing it is coming from GERMANY!!! Yes,
now understand and I make no bones about it , generally speaking I do not approve, nor use the competitive German methodology, BUT, that is not what I am seeing here. The mans
name is Fritz Stahlecker.
Fritz is 82 years young and has developed a system he calls Hand -saddle -hand Method. Basically he is teaching the horse at three years of age how to carry itself with the
correct position, in lightness, using a system of a special cavasan and a type of long draw rein that is ONLY attached to the cavasan ( The draw rein was actually a French
invention, later the Germans attached it to the bit creating all the problems associated with that now ) His Cavasan reminds me a lot of the old Baroque ones seen in the books of
Gueriniere etc. and is very thick and padded for the young horse with a unique ring arrangement. The horse using these long reins is basically taken through all the lateral
exercises, taught to stop square, even do the pirouette before being ridden. I was VERY glad to see the horse is quickly taken also to the double bridle, although the bits
are hardly touched as the horse has learned how to carry himself previously. No heavy bearing on the snaffle here. The work is fantastic and low stress for the horse. Once
the horse is ridden at four it already knows the advanced moves and has the correct muscling and MOST importantly is light in the hand with all the work. Fritz has a web site that
is just being translated into English , it is www.hsh-fritz-stahlecker.de He has two very detailed DVD's part one and two of in hand work which every person training a young
horse should purchase and then of course has the full line of very hi quality leather training equipment you will need and is specific for this Buy it all if you are even
thinking of training a young horse. Legerete, riding without a strong influence of the hand is what these tapes preach and produce. I have always been a fan of working a
horse in hand, to every movement before it is put under saddle, so much tension and fighting is eliminated and here is a system clear and easy to follow and learn from.
Fritz is a true master of riding in lightness. Go to the web site now and do yourself and your horse a favor and get started.
Bill Sanders: www.baroqueequitation.com
HSH in Canada
The canadian online magazine "Horses for Life" has just published the first part of a long interview with Fritz Stahlecker. Based on the video he is answering to interesting questions concerning his way of schooling young horses: www.horsesforlife.com.
2. Part of the interview in "Horses for Life"
In the october issue of "Horses for Life" (2008) the second part of the long interview with Fritz Stahlecker has just come out. The questions refer to the 2. part of the video "work in hand for young dressage horses" and complete in a certain way what could not be explained in detail in the video. (see www.horsesforlife.com)